Leadership Elective

Leadership Development in FM

The NCAFP Health Care Policy and Advocacy Elective Rotation was initiated to give select medical students or residents the opportunity to increase their knowledge of organized medicine and its role in advocacy, health policy and medical education.  This elective will also give them first-hand knowledge of the interactions between the Family Medicine specialty society (NCAFP) and its national organization (AAFP), and other related groups.

This Elective also demonstrates understanding the need that practicing physicians have for a specialty society that provides them with timely information regarding current events in medicine and education which will help them care for their patients, as well as gain more insight into legislative events which directly affect both practicing physicians and those in educational settings.


Applicants must be enrolled in one of the North Carolina medical (allopathic or osteopathic) schools  or a North Carolina Family Medicine Residency Program.

What You Will Learn and Do

  • See first hand the interactions between the family medicine specialty society and its national organization (AAFP), state medical society (NCMS) and other specialty groups.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the need that practicing physicians have for a specialty society which provides them with timely information re: current events in medicine and education to help them care for patients.
  • Gain more insight into legislative events which directly affect practicing physicians and those in educational settings.  Participants will be encouraged to attend any appropriate legislative or governmental activities to which NCAFP staff are invited and will attend any other NCAFP meetings as appropriate. 
  • Complete a special project during this time designed with approval from the advisor, preceptor or sponsor. The participant must submit his/her finished project/activity to the medical school or residency advisor as well as the NCAFP Manager of Medical Student and Residency Relations. 

How to Apply

For questions regarding the Leadership Elective, please contact Greg Griggs at the NCAFP offices at:  GGriggs@ncafp.com or via telephone at (919) 833-2110.  Interested participants must coordinate the dates of the rotation with the NCAFP in advance and receive approval from his/her Family Medicine Advisor with approved project parameters.  Participants will be selected on a first-come, first-serve basis; with priority given to fourth-year medical students and third-year residents.